Pet Information: Turtles
Water Quality
Poor water quality can stress your turtle and increase their susceptibility to diseases and parasites. It is very important to keep your turtle's water clean and clear. Dirty water not only increases the risk your turtle will get sick, it is the main way you could get sick from your turtle. While any reptile can have Salmonella, the chance is much higher when the tank is not properly cleaned and filtered.
The filter is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a turtle’s tank. Filters remove solid waste, remove dissolved chemicals from the water, and provide surface area for beneficial bacteria that detoxify harmful waste compounds in the water. There are many types of filters: hang-on-the-side, canister filters, sponge filters, and large filter + land area units like the one I own (Viquarium - product pictures below). The most important aspect of picking the right filter is making sure the filter is rated to the size aquarium you have (for turtles it may be best to get the next size larger). This information will be on the filter packaging. It is always better to over-filter an aquarium than under-filter.
The best and easiest way to do water changes is with a gravel vacuum. A gravel vacuum is a large diameter tube connected to thinner, longer tubing. A siphon is started and the wastewater collects in a bucket or gets poured right down the drain. The gravel vacuum sucks waste out of the gravel without removing the gravel itself. Replace removed water with dechlorinated water that is the same temperature as the aquarium water. If you are using tap water, a commercial tap water conditioner must be used to remove chlorine and chloramines. Alternately, well water or spring water may be used to replace the removed water (a water conditioner may still be required if heavy metals are present - some aquarium water test strips can check for this).
NEVER COMPLETELY EMPTY AND CLEAN AN AQUARIUM - YOU WILL REMOVE BENEFICIAL BACTERIA THAT DETOXIFY HARMFUL WASTE COMPOUNDS! The media in an aquarium's filter should be changed once a month to once every other month. Never change all filter media at once unless your filter uses single replaceable cartridges.
Spot clean your aquarium as needed to remove uneaten food.
An air pump, airline hosing, and airstone help provide increased oxygenation to the water. Air pumps are sold based on the size aquarium they are used for, and airstones come in all different sizes and shapes. This is not necessary for a properly sized tank with a large filter, but it does provide extra water movement and many people like how it looks. Some turtles like rapidly moving water, while other species need calm slow moving water, so be sure any extra aeration and water movement does not stress your turtle.
The filter is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a turtle’s tank. Filters remove solid waste, remove dissolved chemicals from the water, and provide surface area for beneficial bacteria that detoxify harmful waste compounds in the water. There are many types of filters: hang-on-the-side, canister filters, sponge filters, and large filter + land area units like the one I own (Viquarium - product pictures below). The most important aspect of picking the right filter is making sure the filter is rated to the size aquarium you have (for turtles it may be best to get the next size larger). This information will be on the filter packaging. It is always better to over-filter an aquarium than under-filter.
The best and easiest way to do water changes is with a gravel vacuum. A gravel vacuum is a large diameter tube connected to thinner, longer tubing. A siphon is started and the wastewater collects in a bucket or gets poured right down the drain. The gravel vacuum sucks waste out of the gravel without removing the gravel itself. Replace removed water with dechlorinated water that is the same temperature as the aquarium water. If you are using tap water, a commercial tap water conditioner must be used to remove chlorine and chloramines. Alternately, well water or spring water may be used to replace the removed water (a water conditioner may still be required if heavy metals are present - some aquarium water test strips can check for this).
NEVER COMPLETELY EMPTY AND CLEAN AN AQUARIUM - YOU WILL REMOVE BENEFICIAL BACTERIA THAT DETOXIFY HARMFUL WASTE COMPOUNDS! The media in an aquarium's filter should be changed once a month to once every other month. Never change all filter media at once unless your filter uses single replaceable cartridges.
Spot clean your aquarium as needed to remove uneaten food.
An air pump, airline hosing, and airstone help provide increased oxygenation to the water. Air pumps are sold based on the size aquarium they are used for, and airstones come in all different sizes and shapes. This is not necessary for a properly sized tank with a large filter, but it does provide extra water movement and many people like how it looks. Some turtles like rapidly moving water, while other species need calm slow moving water, so be sure any extra aeration and water movement does not stress your turtle.
The stream has two parts, one longer than the other, so that you can decide how long you want the land area to be. It can curve to have the waterfall in either the right or left corner when looking down the stream, so you can place it on either side of your tank. When I move I will be buying a larger tank for Leonardo, and am getting one 24 inches wide so that I can put two of these side by side! I love how well it works, and can't wait to have even more plant-able land area and room for Leo to explore.
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Pet Information - Turtles by Caitlin Kempski is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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